Videos tagged 'logic trace jumbo'
tracing a rectangle using one point per inch selection and show different methods of digitizing
I will show sample tracing of a provided diagram, and selecting various methods of digitizing and a node selection
trace out a bell and arch for a vinyl cut
using logic trace 2018 and selecting lines and arcs to trace out a bell_arch graphic then cut it out on a vinyl cutter
to digitize a diagram of a violin profile with a music note
trace out a full sized diagram to create a*.dxf file to load into a CO2 laser and cut it out its a music note and violin profile
digitizing a vehicle graphic
small truck diagram in motion printed and traced to do a vinyl cut then mount on a piece of pine
Large Privacy Screen Traced with Jumbo and CNC cut out of plywood
Large Privacy Screen Traced with Jumbo and CNC cut out of plywood
Skimmer Plywood kayak video #1--- tracing out the plans and cutting the parts out
the skimmer plywood kayak is a popular mechanics 1950 design, drawn up the plans ,printed and traced out to create dxf file for cnc cutting of the parts
trace out bird wall art - patio or garden display
large diagram to trace out and create a *.dxf file for a cnc cut
digitize a paper template for a glass company
after digitizing a paper template for a glass fit and cut I thought i would show with a video doing the same but using lexan and cutting it on the cnc and verify the fit
engrave a live edge charcuterie board
to show how I created the dxf file to engrave a live edge charcuterie board
digitizing plans to build a duck boat
using mahogany 1/4 plywood and 3/4 plywood frames to build a 10 ft by 36 inch beam duck boat