Videos tagged 'Logic Trace Apparel'
Logic Trace Apparel System Patterns #2.mp4
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2020 logic trace apparel program
Use a digitizing tablet, pen stylus and Logic Trace Apparel software to trace patterns for the Apparel, Fabric, and Pattern-Making industries. Patterns are saved as DXF, DXF-ASTM, DXF-AAMA, PDF, SVG, DWG, HPGL, or PLT files for loading into any apparel, design or cad program.
2020 logic trace apparel on screen
Use Logic Trace Apparel on screen software to trace patterns for the Apparel, Fabric, and Pattern-Making industries. Patterns are saved as DXF, DXF-ASTM, DXF-AAMA, PDF, SVG, DWG, HPGL, or PLT files for loading into any apparel, design or cad program.
Logic Trace System - Cursor Commands
Logic Trace System - Cursor Commands. Program the buttons to run the tracing.
Logic Trace System - Apparel example 2
Logic Trace System - Apparel example 2. Pant Leg