Videos tagged 'Digitizing Templates'
book template digitized and CO2 laser cut
this is a plastic type template and I will trace this and create a *.dxf file and engrave this on a CO2 laser
intarsia diagram digitized and cut on a CO2 laser
going to take an intarsia book of plans , print out an enlarged copy of the plan , trace the paper plan to create a *.dxf file for cutting on an CO2 laser I am going to use 2 different woods for a contrast --white pine and black walnut
an older demo but very usefull and accurate
tracing an old engine gasket including the bolt holes easy and bang right on
trace out and assemble a Kayak
a kayak project from may 1968 popular mechanics magazine 15 feet long with a 36 in beam
digitize a retro utility chair , cnc cut it out and assemble it
digitize a retro utility chair , cnc cut it out and assemble it Its an odd looking 3 leg chair but comfortable
to show digitizing a large plan , cutting the piece and laying it back on the plan
to show digitizing a large plan, cutting the piece and laying it back on the plan to show the accuracy of the fit
digitize and save the *.dxf file and use this file of a canoe paddle to create a 3D file and machine out this file on CNC machine
using logic trace 2018 , i am going to trace a canoe paddle use this file to create a 3d file and machine it out on a cnc router
tracing out an actual plastic part
going to create an *.dxf file of a plastic protractor to ether cut on a CO2 laser or CNC router