Videos tagged 'lines and arcs'
logic trace 2018 selecting the command lines and arcs
I traced out a diagram using lines and arcs and showed where I selected line and where i selected arcs I even put the cut part back on the diagram that I traced for a fit test
logic trace 2018 selecting the command lines and arcs
I traced out a diagram using lines and arcs and showed where I selected line and where i selected arc I even put the cut part back on the diagram that I traced for a fit test
a good example of lines and arc selection
logic trace 2018 lines and arcs selection
trace out a moose graphic and cut the parts out of red and black vinyl
printed a large diagram of a moose and I am going to show digitizing this diagram and cutting the vinyl parts using a vinyl cutter and mounting this image on a white substrate
trace out a vivid saying for a canvas tote bag
this colorful saying caught my eye "oh hello" and that will make a great canvas tote bag graphic, lots of good comments
digitize an art diagram create a dxf file to cut it out of vinyl
digitize an art diagram , create the *.dxf file and use a vinyl cutter and apply the vinyl to yellow cedar
Video #1:digitize a plan for aircraft floats and cnc cut it
video #1 :going to show tracing out 15,5 foot float for an aircraft and cnc cutting the parts